Welcome to BDONGSA. The audio-lingual method (AML) is a method of learning a new language by repeatedly practicing linguistic patterns. BDONGSA, this app aims to make it possible to learn a new language in a short time and communicate through repetitive learning. We provide a variety of materials from locals, Koreans Americans, educators, and native speakers.



만남 3강

만남 1강 부터 2강 3강입니다.

2023-12-10 19:53:47


주문 해도 될까요?

Can i order?

네, 주문 하세요.

Yes, go a head.

아이스 아메리카노 두잔 주세요.

Two ice American, Please

매장에서 드시나요? 가져 가시나요?

Here or take out?

여기서 마실께요.

For here, Please.