Welcome to BDONGSA. The audio-lingual method (AML) is a method of learning a new language by repeatedly practicing linguistic patterns. BDONGSA, this app aims to make it possible to learn a new language in a short time and communicate through repetitive learning. We provide a variety of materials from locals, Koreans Americans, educators, and native speakers.



[142강] How do you like/would you like ~ ? : ~은 어때요?/~은 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

일빵빵 기초영어
[142강] How do you like/would you like ~ ? : ~은 어때요?/~은 어떻게 해 드릴까요? 

2023-11-14 10:31:56


제 셔츠 어때요?

How do you like my shirts?

이 차 어때요?

How do you like this car?

제 선물 어때요?

How do you like my present?

여기 날씨 어때요?

How do you like the weather here?

이 영화 여때요?

How do you like this movie?

제 계획 어때요?

How do you like my plan?

이 식당 어때요?

How do you like this restaurant?

제 친구 어때요?

How do you like my friend?

여기 사는거 어때요?

How do you like living here?

야근 하는 거 어때요?

How do you like working overtime?

달걀 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

How would you like your eggs?

샌드위치 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

How would you like your sandwiches?

토스트 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

How would you like your toast?

커피 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

How would you like your coffee?

스테이크 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

How would you like your steak?

100달러 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

How would you like your 100 dollars?

머리 스타일 어떻게 해 드릴까요?

How would you like your hair done?

그것을 어떻게 요리해 드릴까요?

How would you like that cooked?

어떻게 결제해 드릴까요?

How would you like to pay?

어떻게 보내 드릴까요?

How would you like to sand it?