Welcome to BDONGSA. The audio-lingual method (AML) is a method of learning a new language by repeatedly practicing linguistic patterns. BDONGSA, this app aims to make it possible to learn a new language in a short time and communicate through repetitive learning. We provide a variety of materials from locals, Koreans Americans, educators, and native speakers.



[118강] THAT + 주어 + 동사 : [문장 줄임] ~한 / ~했던

일빵빵 기초영어
[118강] THAT + 주어 + 동사 : [문장 줄임] ~한 / ~했던 

2023-11-14 10:00:45


이것은 내가 원했던 꽃이야.

This is the flower that I wanted.

내가 원했던 꽃은 튤립이야.

The flower that I wanted is a tulip

이것은 내가 좋아하는 색이야.

This is the color that I like.

내가 좋아하는 색은 파란색이야.

The color that I like is blue.

이것은 내가 샀던 티켓이야.

This is the ticket that I got.

내가 샀던 티켓은 내 차 안에 있어.

The ticket that I got is in my car.

이것은 내가 가지고 있는 책이야.

This is the book that I have.

내가 가지고 있는 책은 소설책이야.

The book that I have is the novel.

이 사람은 내가 아는 사람이야.

This is the man that I know.

내가 아는 사람은 여기 없어.

The man that I know is not here.

이것은 내가 보았던 쇼야.

This is the show that I saw.

내가 보았던 쇼는 재미있었어.

The show that I saw was interesting.

이것은 내가 들었던 뉴스야.

This is the news that I heard.

내가 들었던 뉴스는 슬펐어.

The news that I heard was sad.

이 사람은 내가 기다리고 있는 소녀야.

This is the girl that I am waiting for.

내가 기다리고 있는 소녀가 늦어.

The girl that I am waiting for is late.

이것은 내가 찾고 있었던 열쇠야.

This is the key that I was looking for.

내가 찾고 있었던 열쇠가 내 호주머니에 있어.

The key that I was looking for is in my pocket.

이것은 내가 만든 케이크야.

This is the cake that I made.

내가 만든 케이크는 치즈케이크야.

The cake that I made is cheese cake.