Welcome to BDONGSA. The audio-lingual method (AML) is a method of learning a new language by repeatedly practicing linguistic patterns. BDONGSA, this app aims to make it possible to learn a new language in a short time and communicate through repetitive learning. We provide a variety of materials from locals, Koreans Americans, educators, and native speakers.



[145강] How often/soon/late ~ ? : 얼마나 자주?/언제쯤?/몇 시까지?

일빵빵 기초영어
[145강] How often/soon/late ~ ? : 얼마나 자주?/언제쯤?/몇 시까지? 

2023-11-14 10:34:39


얼마나 자주 우유를 마시나요?

How often do you drink milk?

얼마나 자주 외식하나요?

How often do you eat out?

얼마나 자주 TV 보나요?

How often do you watch TV?

얼마나 자주 태니스를 치나요?

How often do you play tennis?

얼마나자주 책을 읽나요?

How often do you read a book?

얼마나 자주 그녀로 부터 소식을 듣나요?

How often do you hear from her?

얼마나 자주 부모님과 시간을 보내나요?

How often do you spend time with your parents?

얼마나 자주 쇼핑하러 가나요?

How often do you go shopping?

얼마나 자주 버스가 오나요?

How often does bus come?

얼마나 자주 이런일이 일어나나요?

How often does this happen?

언제쯤 그것 고칠 수 있나요?

How soon can you fix it?

언제쯤 이사 들어올수 있나요?

How soon can you move in?

언제쯤 그거 돌려 받을수있나요?

How soon can I get it back?

언제쯤 주문한것 받을수있나요?

How soon can I get the order?

언제쯤 영화가 시작하나요?

How soon does the movie start?

몇시까지 하나요?

How late do you open?

몇시까지 일해야하나요?

How late do you have to work?

몇시까지 도착할수있나요?

How late can I arrive?

몇시까지 밤에 당신에게 전화할수있나요?

How late can I call you at night?

몇시까지 은행하나요?

How late is the bank open?