Welcome to BDONGSA. The audio-lingual method (AML) is a method of learning a new language by repeatedly practicing linguistic patterns. BDONGSA, this app aims to make it possible to learn a new language in a short time and communicate through repetitive learning. We provide a variety of materials from locals, Koreans Americans, educators, and native speakers.



[146강] How about ~ ? : ~ 어때요?

일빵빵 기초영어
[146강] How about ~ ? : ~ 어때요? 

2023-11-14 10:35:34


토요일 날 약속 어때요?

How about Saturday?

깜짝 파티 어때요?

How about a surprise party?

커피 한 잔 더 어때요?

How about another cup of coffee?

내일이나 그 다음날 어때요?

How about tomorrow or the next day?

정문에서 어때요?

How about at the main gate?

돌아오는 금요일에 테니스 어때요?

How about tennis this coming Friday?

내일 같은 시간 어때요?

How about the same time tomorrow?

화요일 오후 3시 30분 어때요?

How about Tuesday afternoon at 3:30?

퇴근 후 한 잔 어때요?

How about a drink after work?

매달 첫째 월요일 어때요?

How about every first Monday?

그녀에게 안부 묻는거 어때요?

How about saying hello to her?

창가 옆에 앉는 거 어때요?

How about sitting next to the window?

낮잠자는 거 어때요?

How about taking a nap?

내일 저랑 점심하는 거 어때요?

How about having lunch with me tomorrow?

프리랜서로 일하는 거 어때요?

How about working as a freelancer?

제 생일파티에 오시는 거 어때요?

How about coming to my birthday party?

제 집에 잠깐 들르는 거 어때요?

How about shopping by my place?

한잔하러 외출하는 거 어때요?

How about going out for a drink?

그녀에게 꽃사주는거 어때요?

How about buying flowers for her?

5분 후에 다시 전화하시는 거 어때요?

How about calling again in 5minutes?