Welcome to BDONGSA. The audio-lingual method (AML) is a method of learning a new language by repeatedly practicing linguistic patterns. BDONGSA, this app aims to make it possible to learn a new language in a short time and communicate through repetitive learning. We provide a variety of materials from locals, Koreans Americans, educators, and native speakers.



[27강] You + have to / need to + 동사 : 너는 ~ 해야 해 

일빵빵 기초영어
[27강] You + have to / need to + 동사 : 너는 ~ 해야 해 

2023-11-13 08:38:20


너는 차를 타야 해.

You have to take a car.

너는 차를 탈 필요가 있어.

You need to take a car.

너는 시험을 치러야 해.

You have to take an exam.

너는 시험을 치를 필요가 있어.

You need to take an exam.

너는 사진 찍어야 해.

You have to take a picture.

너는 사진 찍을 필요가 있어.

You need to take a picture.

너는 목욕해야 해.

You have to take a bath.

너는 목욕할 필요가 있어.

You need to take a bath.

너는 쉬어야 해.

You have to take a rest.

너는 쉴 필요가 있어.

You need to take a rest.

너는 수업을 들어야 해.

You have to take a class.

너는 수업을 들을 필요가 있어.

You need to take a class.

너는 산책해야 해.

You have to take a walk.

너는 산책할 필요가 있어.

You need to take a walk.

너는 비행기를 타야 해.

You have to take an airplane.

너는 비행기를 탈 필요가 있어.

You need to take an airplane.

너는 약을 복용해야 해.

You have to take a medicine.

너는 약을 복용할 필요가 있어.

You need to take a medicine.

너는 휴가를 얻어야 해.

You have to take a holiday.

너는 휴가를 얻어야 할 필요가 있어.

You need to take a holiday.